And she will play the lead role opposite Feroze. There were also reports in media that the gorgeous actress Mawra Hocane has bagged the project. Few days ago, we also broke the news that the most sought-after actor from the current lot Feroze Khan has signed Yasir Nawaz’s movie. We earlier reported that after mega hit response of Wrong No Series and Mehrunisa V Lub U, the director Yasir Nawaz is gearing up for his 4th film.
Last seen in movie, ‘Chuppan Chupai’ alongside Neelam Munir, Ahsan is all set to make his comeback with comedy drama feature film ‘Chakkar’.īefore Ahsan, Imran Abbas & Feroze Khan Also Considered As The Lead As the actor is all set to woo your hearts again with his acting chops on silver screens. Here we have good news for the fans of Ahsan.
They are eagerly waiting for the comeback of the actor in cinema screens. Although he is entertaining his fans on TV screens but his fans are missing him on big screens.